Monthly Archives: March 2022

Two thirds of remote workers use a faulty device so they don’t get into trouble

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A new report has discovered that 67% of remote workers are using a faulty device when they work remotely.

And often that’s because they’ve accidentally damaged the tech themselves… they don’t want to admit it to their boss in case they get into trouble.

A company that sells refurbished technology surveyed 2,500 UK employees.

It …

Tech Update: Two thirds of remote workers are using faulty tech

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Did you know two thirds of remote workers don’t report accidental damage to their work laptop, because they’re scared of getting into trouble?

Many swap to their personal devices instead. Our latest tech update video explains why this is a big data security “no no” – and what you can do to help your staff …

How to protect your webcam from spies

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In just two short years, a good quality webcam has become a critical tool for everyone. Could you imagine doing business without one?

But hackers are using clever tools to try to spy on people using their webcams.

They can use rogue websites and apps to gain access.

Fortunately, you can protect yourself easily and …

Alert: A clever new type of ransomware attack

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It seems like we’re talking about cyber scams a lot at the moment. And now there’s another new ransomware trick you need to be aware of.

Cyber criminals are smart. They’re forever coming up with new ways to infiltrate your devices and networks to access your valuable data.

Fortunately, the defence weapons continue to get …

“Email Hijack” – how not to be a victim

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John Miller has launched a brand new book – aiming to teach business owners about the massive cyber security risks of email.

In “Email Hijack”, John explores how the majority of hacks start with one dodgy email. But that can easily lead to money being stolen from a business bank account.

“If you …

The tax relief few businesses know about – super-deduction

A quick summary: When you buy certain new equipment (including computers) you can claim 130% capital allowance – super-deduction

What that means: If you spend £1,000 on computer equipment, it’ll reduce your corporation tax bill as if you had spent £1,300

How long does it last? It started on 1st April 2021 and lasts two …

Tech Update: A clever new type of ransomware attack

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Cyber criminals have come up with another way to spread malware and ransomware – using the contact form on your business’s website.

Watch our latest tech update video to learn about this new form of attack, and what you can do to keep your business safe.

Your business has a contact form on its website, …

Protect your business from these common financial phishing scams

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The average office worker sends and receives around 121 emails every day. And while that sounds like a lot, you may be shocked to learn that 3 billion phishing emails are sent each day. They account for 1% of all email traffic.

What’s a phishing email? It’s an email sent by cyber criminals that pretends …

Tech Update: Is that PayPal email a phishing attack?

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Can you guess which company was most impersonated in financial phishing emails last year? You’ve probably got an account with them yourself.

Watch this week’s tech update video to find out how to keep your business protected from financial phishing scams.

PayPal is one of the world’s most popular online payment methods. 392 million people …

The 7 KPIs for ROI from IT

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How to ensure your business’s spend on IT is an investment, and never an expense.

In the years we’ve been looking after businesses, we’ve noticed there are two different ways that owners and managers buy IT and technology:

  • Some see it as an expense;
  • Others see it as an investment.

We choose NOT to work

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