Monthly Archives: July 2022

How to stop Teams opening when you startup Windows 11

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Most people who rely on it love Teams. There’s no disputing that.

But it can be frustrating. Such as the way it opens automatically when you start up your Windows 11 computer.

It’s really simple to change that behaviour. Our new video shows you how.

Microsoft Teams has become essential software for many businesses.

Its …

What does the global chip shortage mean for your business?

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For the past couple of years, the tech world has been struggling with a huge shortage of chips.

But it’s not just tech businesses that are feeling the impact.

So many of the things we use every day contain a chip. Laptops and desktops, sure. But also household appliances, even our cars. It’s hard to …

Tech Update: Where’s the chips?

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Has the global chip shortage affected your business yet? If you want to upgrade devices in the next year, it might do. Here’s why it’s happening and what you can do to stay ahead.

You’ve heard of the global chip shortage, right? There just aren’t enough chips being made for all the devices that need …

Could your passwords be guessed from your digital footprint?

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A surprising number of passwords can be guessed by cyber criminals studying someone’s digital footprint, a top data security expert has warned.

Something as innocent as a photo of your child’s birthday party or a memory of a childhood pet can be used to guess critical passwords.

“The internet never forgets content you posted years …

Have you considered the cyber security impact of working from home?

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Remote and hybrid working is now the norm for a lot of businesses. But how many have considered the cyber security impact of working from home?

A recent survey has found that, despite it being more than two years since many of us were forced to work from home, too many businesses still don’t have …

Tech Update: Cyber security for remote workers

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Only half of businesses have cloud-based cyber security protection that protects their staff wherever they work… and yet three quarters of businesses now have people working away from the office regularly. Here’s how to check if your business is protected.

Even if it’s just the odd day now and then – what percentage of your …

Some employees won’t stop using apps that could be a security risk

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It’s likely a lot of the applications and software tools you’re using now are different from the ones your business used before the pandemic.

That’s because we’ve all had to make big adjustments to the way we communicate and collaborate.

And to begin with, it may have been hit and miss. It’s possible in the …

Tech Update: Some employees are a cyber security risk

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Your staff care about your business’s cyber security – but not all employees think the same. In fact, half are using software that’s been banned by their IT department. Our new video explores why.

How much does your team care about good cyber security in your business?

Your people probably DO care. But many employees …

Technology Insider – July 2022

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Technology Insider, our monthly newsletter written for humans not geeks, is now available to download.

How do you feel about hybrid working, the mix of working remotely and in the office? Working from home has a very specific effect on your team’s productivity – and we reveal all in this month’s newsletter.

Also inside this …

Microsoft’s taking a responsible leadership position on AI

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Microsoft’s decided to retire and rework an AI tool that could not only recognise our facial features, but also identify our mood.

Azure Face is an emotion recognition tool. These are highly criticised by experts who believe they violate human rights.

Microsoft has just published the updated version of its Responsible AI Standard.

It wants …

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