Monthly Archives: August 2022

Tech Update: Phishing – its not urgent

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There’s a new phishing scam, and it uses a powerful psychological tactic to manipulate you into giving away your login details.

Everyone on your team needs to be aware of this one to avoid falling victim.

I hate to say it, but cyber criminals are smart people. With the latest phishing scam, they’re using a …

Technology Insider – August 2022

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Technology Insider, our monthly newsletter written for humans not geeks, is now available to download.

Next time you’re creating a marketing email, take a moment to consider how spammy your email could be perceived before you hit send. Staying out of the spam folder improves deliverability and open rates. We reveal all in this month’s …

Is working from home really good for your business?

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Working from home. Or remote working, as it’s now called.

It’s the big thing in business, isn’t it? And some people love it.

They’re happier working where they want, and when they want. And that makes them more productive and less likely to leave.

But have you stopped to consider the downside to remote …

Tech Update: What to consider for remote working

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Remote working might be the current big thing, but have you ever properly considered the implications for your staff and your business? These are the big areas to look at.

Everyone’s worked from home in some way in the last couple of years.

You might still encourage it for your team.

But while it makes …

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