
Human error – Your biggest cyber security risk

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Small and medium-sized businesses are the most likely targets for all kinds of cyber attack. And the weakest link in your chain is your people. Good cyber security awareness training is critical – for everyone in your business. But first, you need a strategy.

  • What’s your baseline level of security knowledge?
  • What are the biggest

Back up your data

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Backing up your data is one of the strongest precautions you can take. Set it up properly and make it part of your routine to check that it’s working. Because one day your backup could save your business.

  • What should you back up?
  • How often should you do it?
  • How do you choose a solution?

Get to grips with email security

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Owners of small and medium-sized businesses often make the mistake of thinking that they aren’t on the criminals’ radar. But more than 40% of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses – and email is usually the criminals’ way in.

Our new guide, ‘Getting to Grips with Email Security’, reveals why you might be vulnerable, …

Your need-to-know guide to cloud security

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The growth of cloud computing has completely changed how we work. But security in a cloud environment can create a long list of its own challenges.

In our new guide, we cut through the jargon to give you all you need to know to protect your business. You’ll discover what you can do for yourself …

8 tech trends that you need to be ready for

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December is a month when many of us take time to plan for the year ahead.

But instead of looking at your forecasts for the next 12 months, we’d like you to think about what’s coming up over the next decade.

Will you keep up? Will you choose the right tech? Here’s our guide to …

How to get faster Wi-Fi in your office and for remote workers

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The quickest way to upset your staff is by giving them slow access to the internet. In particular, bad Wi-Fi quickly creates tension in the team and is a real productivity killer.

You don’t have to suffer. Here’s our guide to making Wi-Fi faster whether you’re working in the office or from home.

The reality …

Everything you need to know about password managers for your business

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If you’re confused about password managers, you’re not alone.

A password manager is software that generates safe passwords, remembers them, and autofills logins for you.

That saves time. But means your business can quickly lock out staff when they leave.

Some people say they’re the best thing ever. Others are more negative.

We believe they’re …

What’s phishing and how to avoid it?

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It’s likely you’ve heard of phishing and know it’s something you want to avoid.

But do you know what it really means and exactly how an attack works?

In our experience, lots of people don’t know the specifics. And that’s OK. But the key to keeping your business protected from these attacks is to know …

Ever been on a video call, and the other person looks and sounds AWFUL

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Ever been on a video call, and the other person looks and sounds AWFUL?

Perhaps they’re staring down at a laptop webcam (never a great angle). And they’re badly lit so look like a criminal. And have a cheap microphone which makes them sound like they’re on a bad phone call?

Video calls are here …

Reduce the burden on your brain

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When you’re a business owner or manager, you have a lot of responsibilities. There are also many people who want to speak to you throughout your working day.

Unfortunately, that means that you may be interrupted more often than you’d like. And you have to split your focus on things you’d rather give your full …

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