
87% of businesses hit by a cyber attack in the last year

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Cyber criminals are always lurking, waiting to infiltrate your systems and steal your data. They use automated tools to target businesses all the time.

In fact, I’ve just heard some new statistics that have sent a chill down my spine. They relate to how many small and medium-sized businesses were hit by successful cyber attacks …

Your staff are you biggest cyber security risk

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IT expert, John Miller, is warning businesses that the biggest threat to their data isn’t just dangerous malware – it’s actually their own staff.

Technology expert John Miller of Smarter Technologies Ltd believes it’s not staff acting maliciously, but being tricked by cyber criminals… often without realising it.

“There are many great cyber security tools …

The newest phishing scam is here!

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Picture this: You’re scrolling through your emails, minding your own business, when you see an image of that bag/gadget/pair of trainers you’ve been obsessing over.

You click on it… and just like that, you’ve unknowingly opened the door to cyber criminals.

Sounds like something out of a spy movie, right? But this isn’t Hollywood. It’s …

Privacy alert: Change this setting in Edge, now

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If you use the Edge browser, Microsoft may be able to see images you’ve viewed online. But it takes one simple change to your settings to protect your privacy. Here’s how…

Don’t be mistaken, we love Microsoft Edge (and think you will too), but lately, something has come to our attention that we wanted to …

Microsoft Edge just got a security boost

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Microsoft wants to make sure your business’s data is protected everytime you go online. It’s releasing new security-boosting features in its Edge browser. Our latest blog has the details.

Browsing the web can be risky. It only takes one click on one bad link to put your business’s data at risk.

With cyber criminals constantly …

Now AI can make your Teams meetings more productive

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Microsoft Teams has a game changing new addition. It’s a new AI-based intelligent meeting recap feature that will even summarise actions. Here are all the benefits to your business.

Are you tired of wasting precious time in meetings, only to leave feeling confused and disorganised?

Do you struggle to keep track of all the action …

Backing up data saves businesses

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A technology expert has launched a new campaign to tell business owners and managers: Backing up data saves businesses.

Manchester-based IT expert John Miller of Smarter Technologies Ltd wanted to educate more business leaders, after seeing first-hand how devastating it can be when data is lost.

“There are so many ways a business can lose …

Stop! And think, before you act on that email

Are you protecting your business from Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks? They have cost businesses billions – and they’re getting harder to detect. Here’s how to stay safe.


How many times a day do you respond to an email without really thinking about its contents?

Maybe it’s a request for some information. Perhaps it’s …

Is your business data at risk? Don’t take chances with old tech

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New computers: Exciting! Disposing of old computers: Risky. Millions of deleted files can be recovered from improperly wiped hard drives. Here’s how to protect your business…

When you replace old computers or external drives, do you delete data and then just… get rid of them?

You could be putting your sensitive data at risk.

A …

Here’s how cyber criminals try to hack your accounts while you sleep

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Have you ever felt frustrated by the flood of notifications from your multi-factor authentication (MFA) app?

Well, cyber criminals have too. And they’re taking advantage of “MFA fatigue” to try to gain access to your sensitive business data.

MFA is essential for keeping your data secure. It adds an extra layer of security to your …

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