Tech Update: A clever new type of ransomware attack

Tech Update: A clever new type of ransomware attack

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Cyber criminals have come up with another way to spread malware and ransomware – using the contact form on your business’s website.

Watch our latest tech update video to learn about this new form of attack, and what you can do to keep your business safe.

Your business has a contact form on its website, …

It’s time to check your business’s defences against the threat of Russian cyber attack

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While the cyber security of your business should always be a high priority, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine means that businesses may be at an increased risk of cyber attack.

Although there is no direct threat at present, the West is placing a range of sanctions on Russia. There could be retaliation, and Russia has used …

Tech Update: How the Ukraine invasion could affect your cyber security

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The current situation in Ukraine could have an unexpected impact on your business’s cyber security. It’s possible Russia could launch cyber attacks to hit back against global action.

Official advice is to make sure your business meets current basic cyber security standards. Watch this week’s tech update video to find out how to stay protected.…

Update your device today – here’s why

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You’re hard at work on your computer or device and a message suddenly pops up saying, “a software update is available”. You’re busy, so you click “cancel” instead of “install”, thinking you’ll get to it later, but you never do. Sound familiar?

The truth is it’s easy to skip software updates because they can take …

Mobile data protection is a must!

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Mobile data protection is something most of us don’t even think about. BUT mobile data protection is a must.

When you think about it: what CAN’T you do on your mobile these days?

It’s as powerful as a computer. And with more people working remotely, all businesses are relying on these devices to stay connected. …

6,582 unread messages – do you protect them?

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We receive a lot of emails every day, don’t we?

And, although a proportion of these are spam, there’s also a lot of useful information in there.

If you think back to your last 5 business emails, how much of their content would be considered classified information? That you wouldn’t want someone outside the business …

Never have to remember a password again

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Remembering lots of different passwords can be a nightmare. That’s why it feels easier to use a memorable password like fluffy123 to access all of the different accounts you regularly use. But doing this is the quickest way to get yourself hacked and put your business at risk.

Having a strong, randomly generated unique password …

It’s the fastest growing crime on the planet – ransomware

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Ransomware is terrifying. Just terrifying!

Imagine switching on your work computer one morning. And instead of the screen you normally see, the screen has gone totally red. There’s a message telling you your business’s data has been locked. And the only way to get it back is to pay thousands in Bitcoin.

This is not …

A password manager makes life simpler

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How’s your manager working out for you at the moment?

Not the one with the mountain of work on their desk. Your password manager.

You do have one, don’t you?

Because, you know how important it is to use a unique, randomly generated password for every app you use, and site you visit.

Don’t …

See if your business’s data is for sale with dark web monitoring

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The dark web is used by cyber criminals to buy and sell personal data online.

If your information is found on the dark web, it means that your data’s been breached. And an attack on you is more likely in the future.

The dark web is seen as the underbelly of the Internet. It is …

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