Networking in Public

Networking in Public

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Networking for the very first time can be daunting. Even more so when you are assisting your employer at your very first expo. Our apprentice, Adam, attended the Big Bolton Conversation last month with our Managing Director, John Miller, and he rose to the challenge.

The Big Bolton Conversation is a regular expo for local …

Oh, What A Night!

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The business expo season is now in full swing and we have already exhibited at The Big Bury Expo hosted by The Best Of Bury and The Big Bolton Expo hosted by The Best Of Bolton, both being fantastic events we wanted to share some of our experiences.

Located at the Bridge Conference centre

Smarter Technologies Ltd, Unit 1 Broadfield Industrial Estate, Seymour Street, Heywood, OL10 3AJ | Company No.: 07172781 | VAT No.: 794 7491 68