Tech Update: AI likes phishing
It didn’t take long… cyber criminals are already using AI chatbots to make their scams even more believable. That means you and your people need to be even more cautious when opening your emails. Our latest tech update video has the details.
Most of us can spot a phishing scam, right?
Spelling mistakes. Bad grammar. Sentences that sound like a robot’s written them.
Here’s the bad news.
Now a robot is writing them. And, ironically, it’s making them look even more human than before… which makes them even harder to spot.
It didn’t take long, but AI chatbots are already being used by cyber crooks who are determined to get you to fall for their scams.
Security tools to spot messages written by AI are in development. In the meantime, we all need to be super-vigilant.
Phishing emails are still the number one way you’ll be targeted in a cyber attack. So our advice is the same as always:
Double-check the sender’s address.
Don’t click links in a suspicious email.
If you’re not sure, assume it’s a scam.
And don’t forget, we’re on hand for help and advice.